• Neurofeedback is essentially brain exercise. Neurofeedback allows the brain to self-regulate optimally by making the brain aware of its’ internal state. The process is no different than a dancer improving their dancing skills when practicing in a room supplied with mirrors, a football player watching a video of key elements in their game, someone who practices meditation instructed to pay attention to their breath. Self-regulation is a necessary part of good brain function. Sub-optimal self-regulation causes the brain to dysregulate which is often the basis of a variety of problems such as: anxiety-depression, attention deficits, addiction, behavior disorders, sleep disorders, emotional disturbances, headaches, migraines, interference with performance etc.

    Sufferers of these conditions understand that their suffering is not by choice but rather a feeling that their brain is “stuck” in hyper-vigilance, hyper-excitability, and/or dysregulation.

  • During your first consultation, an assessment and collection of data will take place. I will ask you about your mental health history, medical history, and complete a neurofeedback assessment form which would help me determine the ideal starting placements for neurofeedback based on your specific needs.

    During your first neurofeedback session, you will sit comfortably in a chair with several electrode sensors on your scalp. These sensors only read the electrical signals produced by your brain and transmit them to computer software. They don’t transmit any type of signal to your brain. You then choose the type of visual feedback you prefer. I will stop the feedback every 2-5 minutes to see your progress and make adjustments to optimize the frequency as needed.

    Our goal during neurofeedback sessions is for you to feel calm and alert. Changes during neurofeedback are indicative of the progress subsequent to neurofeedback so it is important for me to listen to any changes that you notice during the session.

  • While most people notice improvements in their difficulties after several neurofeedback sessions at least 20 sessions are recommended to maximize benefits. Neurofeedback therapy works overtime, through reinforcement and repetition just as learning any new skill.

  • Neurofeedback is Biofeedback for the brain. Neurofeedback is also called EEG Biofeedback because it is based on electrical brain activity, the electroencephalogram, or EEG. We are essentially giving the brain the opportunity to “observe” and “engage” in its’ own brainwave activity.

    Electrodes are applied directly to the surface of the scalp. The signal from the electrodes is processed by computer software designed specifically to extract information for certain key brainwave frequencies. We present information on key brainwave frequencies to the person in the form of a video game or tv show, or movie. The software produces a particular effect on the video game (or other multimedia output) based on the moment-to-moment ebb and flow of the brain’s neurofeedback. Some frequencies we wish to promote. Others we wish to diminish. For instance, the software is designed to disrupt or limit game or multimedia display to inform the brain that it has “gone off track.” As the brain witnesses its’ own signal, it gradually shapes its’ own activity toward more desirable, more regulated performance. The frequencies we target, and the specific locations on the scalp where we listen on the brain, are specific to the conditions we are trying to address which are specific to the individual.

  • The goal of Neurofeedback is to build a person’s unique qualities they already possess. The premise is that disturbances of thought, feeling, and behavior are due to dysregulation rather than “disease.” Where dysregulation is the problem, self-regulation may very well be the remedy and the word “cure” does not apply.

  • To develop a treatment plan for Neurofeedback therapy we consider significant events that a person experienced (ie, complex trauma, brain injury etc.), and we consider a person’s physical and emotional symptoms (headaches, sleep issues, mood swings). The treatment plan includes how (Infralow frequency, alpha-theta, and/or synchrony) and where (front-back, left-right, etc.) we expect to “train the brain” over time. The following are some common diagnoses and the symptoms that you can expect Neurofeedback to address:

    Attention/Behavior Problems

    Brain training addresses the underlying issues in brain performance that lead to difficulty concentrating, impulsiveness, and disorganization.

    Stress, Anxiety, and Depression

    Anxiety is a common response to stress and traumatic experiences. Sufferers often feel overwhelmed, exhausted, fatigued, and their suffering often leads to depression. Neurofeedback can help guide your brain to change how it responds to stimuli that disturb our physical or mental equilibrium.

    Dependence on substances and food

    Neurofeedback can help reduce cravings and allow your brain to self-regulate without the aid of mood-altering substances

    Sleep Problems

    Getting a good night’s rest is vital to having a healthy brain and lifestyle. Being able to go to sleep and stay asleep. Neurofeedback promotes flexibility in the brain to calm down at bedtime, allowing most clients to naturally fall asleep and stay asleep.

    Peak Performance

    Concentration, focus, and emotional control are key to achieving optimal performance in all fields. Athletes and business executives may consider taking advantage of neurofeedback technologies to learn how to utilize the full potential of their minds to reach their peak.

  • Neurofeedback is safe and non-invasive because we are not asking or causing the brain to change; we are simply increasing the awareness of its own activity.

    Everyone is different and may feel differently after neurofeedback sessions, however, generally, neurofeedback is a painless non-intrusive technique.

    It’s important to disclose medical history before beginning neurofeedback therapy to minimize the possibility of side effects.

  • Infra-Low Frequency Neurofeedback: Infra low frequency training (ILF) is helpful in normalizing physiological self-regulation. It focuses on tracking extremely low frequency brainwaves that control core neuro-regulatory networks. This is typically the first step in the training process for everyone. ILF may also be the last step as it may offer sufficient relief from the symptoms.

    Apha-Theta: In alpha-theta training we are feeding back to the brain information on the ebb and flow of alpha and theta EEG rhythms. These rhythms are involved when a person is in a relaxed or deeply relaxed state (alpha and theta, respectively). Alpha theta provides a process for accessing and resolving unprocessed traumas and otherwise inaccessible experiences. During Alpha-Theta the mind can find its way to a deeply relaxed, yet wakeful state. This state of deeply relaxed-wakefulness is ideal and sought after when practicing hypnosis because we are more likely to have the subconscious mind’s “attention”. Unlike popular belief, hypnosis does not involve eliminating the conscious mind. The participant is fully aware and conscious. When relevant and appropriate, a client and I will discuss a very specific and desired goal with respect to how they want to feel, think, and interact with the world and incorporate hypnotic suggestions customized to that particular individual, while they are training in alpha-theta, toward the desired goal/response.

    Synchrony: In synchrony training we are working with the normal resting rhythms of the brain which are relatively invariant from person to person. Synchrony promotes a state of calm focus which is similar to mindfulness exercises. When appropriate, Synchrony enhances the benefits of Infra-Low frequency Neurofeedback.

  • During your consultation, we will discuss your insurance coverage, out-of-pocket costs, and reimbursement.

    The consultation/assessment session is covered by the three major insurance networks that I participate with.

    The cost (with insurance) for your first consultation/assessment will be the same as your typical psychotherapy office visit cost.

    For individuals who are uninsured, or who are no in-network, please contact my office to discuss the fee of the consultation/assessment session and neurofeedback training fees.

    Since I am a Licensed Psychologist in Tennessee and in-network with Anthem/Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna and Optum/UnitedHealthcare, I can bill these networks for neurofeedback sessions. Insurance may cover part or the entire cost of your sessions; however, insurance coverage depends on the specifics of each plan (deductible amount etc.)

    If I am out of network with your insurance, you are uninsured, or if you wish to recuperate more of the cost of Neurofeedback I can assist you with billing alternate sources of healthcare coverage such as Out-of-Network benefits, Flexible Spending Accounts and Health Savings Accounts.

    Some insurance companies pay directly for biofeedback under the following codes 90901 90876 and 90875