Types Of Neurofeedback



What is Neurofeedback? Neurofeedback is a form of biofeedback that uses real-time digital technology to measure the electrical activity of the brain (EEG). This powerful type of therapy works via operant conditioning or reinforcement and can improve a variety of symptoms associated with many different conditions

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Types of Neurofeedback Offered

  • ILF neurofeedback is a type of brain training that targets the infa-low frequencies (below 0.1 Hertz) occurring throughout the brain. Clinical research shows these slow oscillations determine the overall excitability of the cortex. These frequencies coordinate processes in the body with processes in the central nervous system which offer a highly valuable target for reinforcement. Shifts in these infra low frequencies affect the brain’s internal regulation of the autonomic nervous system, including the fight-flight-freeze stress response and rest-and-digest state. By providing real-time auditory feedback regarding small shifts in infra low frequencies, the brain can adapt to optimize its ability to self-regulate, readjusting baseline levels of activity. ILF neurofeedback offers an unparalleled form of Neurotherapy for many suffering from trauma, depression, anxiety, and more.

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  • Alpha-Theta Training is a type of neurofeedback that aims to achieve balance and maintain the ideal amplification and frequency of brainwaves.

    How this works: With headphones on, you are guided into a deep, meditative-like state. The same state you would naturally experience right before falling into deeper stages of sleep. This state allows for desensitization of the stimulus. In other words, Alpha-Theta Neurofeedback helps you figure out ways to reduce, or even eliminate, heightened reactions to triggers and stressors alike.

    In alpha-theta training we are feeding back to the brain information on the ebb and flow of alpha and theta EEG rhythms. These rhythms are involved when a person is in a relaxed or deeply relaxed state (alpha and theta, respectively). Alpha theta provides a process for accessing and resolving unprocessed traumas and otherwise inaccessible experiences. Fears and attachment deficits related to developmental trauma and allows for the reorganization of:

    · Habits formed through addictive experience

    · Fears and behaviors formed during traumatic experiences

    · After improved stability and control of state with infra-low frequency training

    During Alpha-Theta the mind can find its way to a deeply relaxed, yet wakeful state. This state of deeply relaxed-wakefulness is ideal and sought after when a person receives treatment using Hypnosis. When relevant and appropriate, a client and I will discuss a very specific and desired goal with respect to how they want to feel, think, and interact with the world and incorporate "hypnotic" suggestions customized to that particular individual, while they are training in alpha-theta, toward the desired goal/response. The hypnotic suggestions, or suggestions delivered directly to the subconscious mind, can be delivered through real-time audio (using a microphone) during Alpha-Theta training or can be pre-recorded.

    Alpha Theta Process

  • In synchrony training we are working with the normal resting rhythms of the brain which are relatively invariant from person to person. Synchrony promotes a state of calm focus which is similar to mindfulness exercises. When appropriate, Synchrony enhances the benefits of Infra-Low frequency Neurofeedback.

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What Conditions Can Neurofeedback Help?

To develop a treatment plan for Neurofeedback therapy I consider significant events that a person experienced (e.g., complex trauma, brain injury etc.), and consider a person’s physical and emotional symptoms (headaches, sleep issues, mood swings). The treatment plan includes what method (Infralow frequency, alpha-theta, and/or synchrony) and where (front-back, left-right, etc.) to “train the brain” over time.

The following are some common diagnoses and the symptoms that you can expect Neurofeedback to address:

  • Attention/Behavior Problems

  • Stress, Anxiety and Depression 

  • Dependence on substances and food

  • Sleep Problems

  • Peak Performance

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